Besides the permissions like read, write, delete, the members can be assigned roles. There is the role of owner, manager, member, assistant.
Proceed as follows:
The "owner" of a box can:
- delete a box.
- transfer the ownership of the box.
- add other users in the idgard® account to a box and assign permissions.
- share a box via a box link.
- access and adjust settings of a box.
- download chat entries in a box.
- download the journal in a data room.
- create the index of a data room and
- has all permissions like read, write, delete, chat, members.
The "manager" of a box can:
- Only a user with a full license can get the role "manager".
- add other users in the idgard® account of a box and assign permissions,
- share a box via a box link,
- access and adjust settings of a box,
- download chat entries in a box,
- download the journal in a data room and
- Has all permissions such as read, write, delete, chat, members.
- A manager cannot delete a box.
A "member" of a box can:
- not add users,
- perform actions on the data in a box only with limited privileges, and
- not access and adjust box settings.
A data room assistant can:
The room assistant is a special role reserved exclusively for a data room. PrivacyBoxes and temporary boxes do not contain this role.
The role "Assistant" can be found in the member administration of a data room. The "Assistant" role can only be assigned to one/several full license users. The assistant should be able to act as a substitute for an administrator with the "Room Assistant" role. Unlike an administrator with the Room Assistant permission, the Assistant cannot create a data room.
- Add other users to a data room and
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