Pictures and videos | idgard

Audio and video files

If you have read permissions, you can view pictures and videos directly in idgard.
Supported audio/video formats: The following audio files can be played in the idgard Web App: .mp3, .m4a (AAC), .flac, .wav. The idgard Web App generally supports previews for video files such as .mp4, .ogg, .webm, .mov, and .quicktime. 
However, compatibility varies across different browsers and operating systems. For instance, .mov videos are only supported by Firefox and Safari, not by Chrome or Edge. Some .mp4 videos may not play in Chrome, Edge, or Safari but will work in Firefox. If a video cannot be viewed, consider switching browsers or download the video via the "Download" option in the 3-dot menu next to the object, and then watch the downloaded file.

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