The idgard add-in for MS Office allows you to open and edit MS Office files with direct access to your idgard boxes.
You can use MS Office files in idgard as follows:
● MS Office files that are saved in your idgard boxes can be opened and edited in MS Office applications and saved again in idgard
● Create new files in MS Office applications and save them in idgard
● Open and edit existing MS Office files in MS Office applications and save them in idgard
To save MS Office files in idgard, you can either:
● Use existing boxes and data rooms or
● Create new boxes
The procedures are the same for the MS Office applications Word, Excel, and Power Point. The procedures contain examples to describe how you use the idgard add-in for MS Word.
Your role and permissions determine whether open MS Word files are locked in the idgard boxes and whether you can overwrite original files or only create copies.