Editing MS Office files from idgard and saving them to a new storage location

Editing MS Office files from idgard and saving them to a new storage location

MS Office files that are saved in your idgard boxes can be edited in MS Office applications and then saved in your idgard boxes. By default, idgard uses the folder in the box, in which the original file is saved, as the storage location. You can however also change the storage location and select a different folder from the same box or a different existing idgard box.

To edit MS Word files from your  boxes and then save them in a new storage location:

1.  Open MS Word and select the options New and Blank document.

2.  Select the idgard menu.
The idgard menu is displayed. The options Open and Save are available.

3.  Select Open.
The idgard log-in dialog is displayed on the right side of the screen.

4.  Enter your user name and password and select Login.
The box overview is displayed.

5.  Select the desired box and navigate to the MS Word file which you want to edit. You can also search for the file across boxes using the Search function. To do so, enter the search term in the search field and select the Search symbol.
Once you have selected a box, all the MS Word files contained therein are displayed. When using the Search function, the system filters for box names as soon as you enter the second letter. After selecting the Search symbol, all cross-box files with the search term in the file name are displayed.

6.  Select the file that you want to edit.
The file is opened in a new window in MS Word. The idgard window on the right side of the screen is no longer displayed. The open file is displayed as locked in the idgard box, unless you are a box member and have no permissions for the file.

7.  Make the desired changes.

8.  In the idgard menu, select the option Save.
The idgard log-in dialog is displayed on the right side of the screen. Here you can see the box where the edited file had been saved.

9.  Select the box where you want to save the MS Word file. You can also search for the box using the Search function. To do so, enter the search term in the search field.
Once you have selected a box, all the MS Word files contained therein are displayed. When using the Search function, the system filters for box names as soon as you enter the second letter.

10. Navigate to the folder in which you would like to save the MS Word file.

11. If you want to create a new folder, select the symbol Create new folder. Name the folder and select Create new folder.
idgard creates a folder with the specified name in the selected box.

12. Select Upload file.
idgard asks you to enter a file name.

13. Name the file and select Save.
idgard saves the file in the selected box and the selected folder with the specified name. If there is already a file with that name in the storage location, idgard saves the file under that name and adds


All existing members of the selected box have access to the latest saved MS Office file.

You can also save the edited file in a new idgard box. Also refer to Saving MS Office files in a new box.

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