Execute tasks in the background (batch job)
Batch job
If you have started an extensive
work process, it will be executed in batches. In the sidebar to the left
you will find the tab batch process. If you open it, you can see the
sequence of the processed job. The batch job is used for copy jobs.
- Click on the "x symbol" to cancel the job.
- Click on the recycle bin , a completed job is deleted. Deleting a batch job does not affect the objects that have already been copied.
- Click on the name of a job, you can see the name of the batch job, the status, the job progress, date of the job start and possibly the name of the job end.
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The content of this online help is intended solely for information and documentation purposes for our product idgard® and can be changed at any time without prior notice. We assume no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies. Due to technical developments, uniscon GmbH reserves the right to change the functional scope of the product at any time.
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