How to send an email via an existing Data Room

How to send an email via an existing Data Room

1.  Open MS Outlook and select New Email.

2.  Enter the recipient in the To field and the subject in the Subject field. If you are forwarding an email, you only have to enter the recipients; if you are replying, this whole step is skipped. Files that exceed the size limit for MS Outlook can only be sent via idgard.

3.  Select Send via idgard.
     The idgard log-in dialog is displayed on the right side of the screen.

4.  Enter your username and password and select Login.
     The Box overview is displayed.

5.  Select the name for the desired Data Room.
The top-level of the folder structure is displayed.

6.  Navigate to the folder in which you would like to save the idgard email and its attachments.

7.  Select Continue with security settings.

It is then checked whether the previously selected recipients are members of the selected Data Room and have read access to the selected folder. If this is not the case, an error message is displayed and the respective recipients are shown.

8.  Click on Save and continue.

The idgard add-in creates a sub-folder for the current email in the selected folder. The email contents including all attachments are loaded into this folder as an idgard note.

9.  Select Attach File(s) if you would like to send additional files. Navigate to the files you want to attach and open them. MS Outlook’s file size limit for attachments does not apply here.

The selected files are loaded into the idgard email as attachments. You can delete these attachments later on; however, this is not the case for attachments that were already loaded into the email in MS Outlook.

10.  You can change the email text created in MS Outlook if needed. To do so, just click on the text and modify or add to it. The changes are immediately applied. The Box link, however, cannot be modified and an error message will be displayed if you try to change it.

11.  Choose from one of the following options:


    Send email securely, if you would like to send the idgard email.
The content of the email is loaded into the sub-folder created by the idgard add-in for this email as an idgard note. Any email attachments are also loaded into this sub-folder. The recipients receive an email with a link to the respective folder.

    Back to email, if you would like to edit your email again in MS Outlook.
You can change the subject, recipient, and attachments again in MS Outlook.

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