can access the settings by right-clicking on the green ID icon in the system
tray. Click on settings.
From top to bottom:
local file after update: Example: Provided a Box is not synchronized automatically, it is
advisable to download a file per App Mode on-demand and lock it, so that no
third parties can modify it (automatable). To do so, simply double-click the
desired file. This downloads and opens it. Once you have finished modifying the
file, save and close it. App Mode shows you that the Productivity Tool
recognized your changes. The file is uploaded and decrypted (updated) with only
one click on the cloud icon. This feature allows you to save memory and work
on-demand. Activate this feature, if you wish for a file to be automatically
deleted once it is updated.
We are happy to help you! Just send us a message with your questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The content of this online help is intended solely for information and documentation purposes for our product idgard® and can be changed at any time without prior notice. We assume no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies. Due to technical developments, uniscon GmbH reserves the right to change the functional scope of the product at any time.