You can assign multiple users to the same user groups in the user administration. You can also edit the notification settings for multiple users at the same time.
To assign multiple users to the same user groups at the same time, proceed as follows:
1. Select User
on the sidebar.
The user administration is displayed and provides an overview of all users.
2. Select
the users you would like to assign to one or several user groups.
The available batch actions are displayed in the top bar.
3. Select
User groups and notification settings.
The User groups and notification
settings dialog is displayed on the right side of the screen.
4. In the User groups area, choose the user groups from the drop-down list to which you would like to assign the selected users. Alternatively, you can enter a search term in the Search field. The list of available user groups is refreshed with each letter typed into the search field so that only potential matches are displayed.
5. Select Save.
The selected users are assigned to the selected user groups.
6. Select X, to close the dialog.
To change the notification settings for multiple users at the same time, proceed as follows:
1. Select User
on the sidebar.
The user administration is displayed and provides an overview of all
2. Select
the users for whom you would like to change the notification settings.
The available batch actions are displayed in the top bar.
3. Select
User groups and notification settings.
The User groups and notification
settings dialog is displayed on the right side of the screen.
4. In the Notifications area, you can specify how often the selected users should be notified about new or edited files in their idgard Boxes. You have the following options:
● The user receives hourly notifications.
● The user receives daily notifications.
5. Select Save.
The notification settings for the selected users are changed.
6. Select X, to close the dialog.