Notify members of a data room by e-mail about a file
If you want to inform the members of a data room about a file, folder or
note, you can inform them about it via an e-mail. A user of the data room who
has at least the permission Read and See member list can execute this function.
- Open the "Hamburger" menu in the upper green bar
- Switch to the list view, if not already
- Open the 3-dot menu to the right of the file, folder or message
- Select the function “E-mail to data room members”
- Insert the name of the member in the field “Box members”
- The desired member will be displayed
- Click on the user’s name. It will move to the "Recipient" field.
- Click on the 3-dot icon and select the delivery options: to, cc or bcc.
the process by clicking on "Open in e-mail client". The link will be
automatically inserted into your e-mail client and can be sent to the
recipients. If this is not the case, your e-mail client is not selected
as the default program on your computer.
The recipients can access the file by clicking on the link once they have logged in to idgard®.

To send a link to files in the data room, no more than approx. 90 recipients may be included in the e-mail. The restriction refers to the total length of the recipients' e-mail addresses.
If you have created user groups in your idgard® account, you can filter the groups by users.
- Use
the check box to the left to select the desired user group file If the
desired user group is not displayed, you can search for it in the search
field above.
- The users of this group will be displayed to the right.
- Click on the name to transfer them to the "Recipients" field.
- Click on the 3-dot icon and select the delivery options: to, cc or bcc.
the process by clicking on "Open in e-mail client". The link will be
automatically inserted into your e-mail client and can be sent to the
recipients. If this is not the case, your e-mail client is not selected
as the default program on your computer.
The recipients can access the file by clicking on the link once they log in to idgard®.
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The content of this online help is intended solely for information and documentation purposes for our product idgard® and can be changed at any time without prior notice. We assume no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies. Due to technical developments, uniscon GmbH reserves the right to change the functional scope of the product at any time.