Secure deletion of a data room | idgard®

Secure deletion of a data room

Secure deletion of a data room

Data rooms can be added for the Growth and Enterprise packages.  If a data room is deleted, so will be its content. To prevent unintentional deletion, the data room can be provided with a write protection. This way, its content will remain unchanged. The activation of the write protection is recorded in the journal. The creator, administrator and the Room Assistant can cancel the secure deletion of the data room in the Box settings. This action is also recorded in the journal.  If the function "secure data room deletion" has been activated in the administration before, the data room can no longer be deleted with immediate effect. Only the creator of the data room can use the function "delete".   

Proceed as follows:

  1.  To delete a data room, go to the Box overview.        
  2. Open 3-dot menu to the right of the data room name and click on “Delete”.         
  3. A pop-up window will appear where you must confirm again that you want to delete it.         
  4. If you re-confirm the deletion, a new pop-up will appear, informing you that the data room will be securely deleted later on.         
  5. If you confirm this, the data room will be marked with a note when it will be deleted. This note is visible for all members of the data room in the Box overview.         
  6. Before the deletion is finally completed, no changes can be made to the content of the data room.

Every member of the data room can see the note about the final deletion in the Box overview.

Canceling the "secure deletion of a data room" function
The creator, the administrator or the room assistant can cancel the secure deletion of the data room in the "Box settings". This action is noted in the journal.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "box settings"
  2. Click on "safe deletion information"
  3. Click on "Cancel planned deletion"
The data room will then be available for general use.

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The content of this online help is intended solely for information and documentation purposes for our product idgard® and can be changed at any time without prior notice. We assume no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccuracies. Due to technical developments, uniscon GmbH reserves the right to change the functional scope of the product at any time.

(C) uniscon GmbH

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