The following use case illustrates how users are created in this particular case.
The following conditions apply to User A:
● User A should be grated a full license.
● User A shall have permissions to create temporary Boxes and shall be able to share these with other users.
● User A shall have permissions to create guests whose user accounts are automatically deleted on a certain date.
● User A shall have permissions to see own invited guests and users with full licenses.
● User A shall have to authenticate themselves with a pass code during registration.
● User A shall have to authenticate themselves with an SMS pass code when logging into the idgard app.
To create User A, proceed as follows:
1. On
the sidebar, select the menu User.
The user administration is displayed and provides an overview of all users.
2. In
the top navigation bar, select Create
On the right side of the screen, the Create
User dialog, and in it, the Details
step, is displayed.
3. In the General area, in the Name field, enter the first and last name of the new user.
4. In the Email field, enter the email address of the new user.
5. In the optional field Phone number enter the phone number of the new user.
6. In the optional field Organization enter the name of the organization or company to which the new user belongs.
7. In the optional field Description enter any additional information.
8. In the License area, in the drop-down list, select Full license.
9. Optionally, in the User groups area, choose the user groups from the drop-down list to which you would like to assign the new user. Alternatively, you can enter a search term in the Search field. The list of available user groups is refreshed with each letter typed into the search field so that only potential matches are displayed.
10. Select
The Permissions step is displayed.
11. In
the Box type creation permissions
area, select Temporary Box.
The Maximum lifespan field is
12. Here, enter the number of days for which the Box should be active before it is automatically deleted.
13. In the Box type creation permissions area, select Share Box.
14. In the Guest creation options area, select Temporary guest.
15. In the View permissions area, select Can see own invited Guests and other Full Licenses.
16. Select
The Access step is displayed.
17. In
the Two factor Authentication for
Registration area, select Pass code.
The fields Pass code and Phone number are displayed.
18. In
the Pass code field, enter a 5-digit
pass code or select the Refresh icon to generate a pass code. Copy the pass
code so you can send it later on.
The Create User button is enabled.
19. In the Phone number field, enter the phone number of the new user if you would like to send the pass code via SMS. You can also choose to send the pass code via other communication channels.
20. In
the Two factor Authentication for Login
area, select SMS Pass code.
The Phone number field is
displayed. The Create User button is disabled. It is essential that you now enter
the new user’s phone number.
21. Enter
the phone number of the new user to whom the SMS pass code should be sent. The
pass code for the two factor authentication for registration is also sent to
this number.
The Create User button is enabled
22. Select
Create User.
The new user is created and the registration link displayed.
23. Choose from one of the following options:
● Select the Copy icon next to the registration link to copy the link to the clipboard.
● Send pass code via SMS, if you would like to send the pass code via SMS.
● Send invitation link, if you would like to send the registration link via email with an invitation text. To do so, select the option Open in email client, the desired email program, and Open link.
You can select multiple or all options in successive steps. Make sure to send the registration link and the pass code via separate communication channels.
24. Select
X, to close the dialog.
The new user is displayed in the user overview.
User A opens the registration link and uses the pass code for authentication. After successful registration, User A can log into the idgard app. To do so, User A must use the email address stored in their user account and select a personal password. In the next step, User A receives a pass code via the phone number stored in their user account. After the pass code is entered, login is successful. Every time User A logs in, they receive a new SMS pass code via the stored phone number.