Use the chat function

Use the chat function

Within a box, you can directly contact other box members using the chat function. In the Chats menu, all chats are listed by boxes.

The chat history can only be deleted by the creator / owner or manager of the respective box.


To use the chat function:

1.   Select the Chats icon  in the bottom navigation bar.
The Chats menu is displayed. All chats are listed by boxes.

2.   Select the box the members of which you want to contact.
The chat screen of the selected box is displayed. If no messages have yet been sent, the chat screen is empty.

3.   Into the Type message field, enter the desired text.

4.   Select Send to send the message.
The message is displayed on the right side of the chat screen, including the time of sending. Responses are displayed on the left side of the chat screen.

5.   Select the Return icon  in the bottom navigation bar to return to the chat overview.


To delete chats:

Prerequisite is that you are the owner or manager of the box.

1.   Select the Chats icon  in the bottom navigation bar.
The Chats menu is displayed. All chats are listed by boxes.

2.   Select the box where you want to delete the chat history.

3.   Select the Recycle bin icon in the bottom navigation bar.
A confirmation dialog is displayed.

4.   Select from the following options:

●    Cancel to cancel the process.

●    Agree to delete the chat history.
The chat history of the selected box is deleted and the empty chat screen is displayed.


5.            Select the Return icon  in the bottom navigation. 
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