Working with Boxes
Enable/disable data backup in the box
If you use the Enterprise package, Sealed Backup is automatically active. This means that data backup is also activated in the boxes and data rooms. However, before the data backup is deactivated in a box and the data is therefore not backed up, you ...
Activate recycle bin delete function
To ensure safe deletion of objects (folders, files, messages) with the possibility of recovery, use the Recycle Bin function. Before data can be moved to the Recycle Bin, it must be activated in a box. Only as the creator of a box you can activate ...
Recovering the deleted objects from a recycle bin
If the Recycle Bin function is activated, you as the creator or administrator of a box can restore the deleted objects. Proceed as follows: Open a box by clicking on the name of the box. Click on the 3-dot menu in the toolbar at the top right. Select ...
Download entire content of a box
If you want to download all files or all folders within a box, you have to select the folders and files on the top hierarchy level via the checkboxes. To download all files or folders from a box, you need the right to "Read". Proceed as follows: ...
Search for a box
If you want to search for a specific box or for a box containing a specific file/folder or note, go to the Box Overview. Use the search field above the boxes. Proceed as follows: If you are not in the box overview, click on the home icon of the start ...
Create PrivacyBox
Create PrivacyBox You create a PrivacyBox to share files there with other idgard® users. You add users to this box and make them a member of the PrivacyBox. In the member list you give the users the desired permissions to access the files. A ...
Share Box - One-time access for user who do not own an idgard®account
Share Box - One-time access for user who do not own an idgard®account If you want to exchange data with a user permanently, you create this user with a license, invite him to idgard® and add him to a box. Only this way the user can get permissions to ...
BoxMail (-Box) for secure sending of e-mail attachments
BoxMail (-Box) for secure sending of e-mail attachments The function "BoxMail" helps to create a sealed temporary Box. You specify the members of the Box in a dialog, as well as the time to live of the Box, and you upload the data that the members ...
Changing the Box type
Changing the Box type Provided that you have a full license and the appropriate permissions as Box creator or manager, you can: Convert a temporary Box into a PrivacyBox Convert a PrivacyBox into a temporary Box Convert a temporary Box into a data ...
Sorting the Boxes in the Box overview
Sorting the Boxes in the Box overview The boxes are sorted alphanumerically, i.e. the boxes can be sorted by letters as well as by numbers. If there are new/unread files in a box, this box is sorted upwards to make it easier to find. Sorting can be ...
List of the last opened Boxes
List of the last opened Boxes If you open several Boxes in a row and you want to go back to a previous Box, use the "Recent" button in the side menu. A list of up to the last 5 Boxes you have opened will appear. Proceed as follows: Open the "Recent" ...
Delete a box or terminate membership in the box
Deleting a Box Only the creator of a box can delete that box forever. If a box cannot be deleted, there may be locked files in the box. In this case, unlock the files and perform the delete operation again. When a member of a box with a guest or full ...
Create temporary Box
Create temporary Box A temporary box is included in the Essential, Growth and Enterprise license pacts. If the function to create this box is inactive, contact the administrator of your idgard® account. The administrator can assign permissions to ...
Assign tags to a Box
Assign tags to a Box To arrange Boxes, assign tags to them. Your tags can only be seen by you. Before you can assign one or more tags to a Box, they must be created in the Preferences menu. Proceed as follows: Open your Box Open the 3-dot menu in ...
Display tags in the Box overview
Display tags in the Box overview Click on the tag icon in the green bar of the Box overview to display all the tags you have created. You find it at the top right-hand corner. The list contains the available tags. If you activate a tag, only those ...
Deleting tags
Deleting tags If you have created tags, you can also delete them again. Only you can see your tags and only you can delete them. If you want to delete a tag, open the tag management menu by clicking on Preferences, on the left side menu. Proceed as ...
Data protection (Sealed-Backup)
Data protection (Sealed-Backup) The sealed backup feature is included in the Enterprise package. In other idgard® packages, the it may be booked additionally. Please contact our support team, they will gladly explain the possibilities to you. You can ...
Sealed-Backup Read Session to find lost files
Sealed-Backup Read Session to find lost files Do you use the "Sealed Backup" in the Enterprise package and a file has been accidentally deleted in the meantime, you can find it again in a special access session. The special access session must be ...
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Folder upload - behaviors and limitations
Unsupported characters in file names will be replaced by an underscore during the upload process, this applies to these characters: *, /, \, :, <, >, ^, ", &, | Example: M&A_Overview.xlsx will be renamed to: M_A_Overview.xlsx File names that consist ...
Audio and video files
If you have read permissions, you can view pictures and videos directly in idgard without having to download them. Supported audio/video formats: The following audio files can be played in the idgard Web App: .mp3, .m4a (AAC), .flac, .wav. The idgard ...
Uploading files
You can upload one or more files up to a size of 5 GB. You need write permission to upload files. Select the box to which you want to upload folders. If necessary, navigate to the desired folder. Select the plus symbol in the toolbar. Select Upload ...
View box activities in the journal
In data rooms and depending on the setting, certain activities can be registered in a journal. You can view the data room journal if you have the permission to do so. To view box activities in the journal: 1. Open the data room the journal of which ...
Can I send files that exceed the file size limit in Outlook?
Yes, that’s possible. After you create a new Box or select an existing one you can also add large files in the dialog window. By default, the file size in idgard is limited to 5 GB. All selected attachments are uploaded to the Box together with the ...